Create Reservation

Note: All required fields are indicated with an asterisk.

Reservation Scheduling
Reservation Date

Start date

End date

Room Information
Reserving this Room

Fees are determined based on the hourly rates and levels listed below:

  Government  Non-Profit  Standard  Contracted 
City Council Chambers $0$25$50$100
Meeting Room A$0$25$50$100
Meeting Room B$0$12.50$25$50
Meeting Room C$0$12.50$25$50
Meeting Room BC$0$25$50$100
Meeting Room ABC$0$37.50$75$150

Set-up and tear-down must be included in the reservation time.

Groups are responsible for set-up and teardown. Tear-down includes reconfiguring the room to the standard setup. Trash must be emptied to the dumpster to the east of the library. If needed, groups should vacuum and wipe down tables. 

Meetings outside of library hours must get a key the day before the event during regular library hours. 

Contact Information
Do you wish to receive a reminder before the reservation date?
Contact Address
Organization Information

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I've read and agree to the room reservation policy.
  • I agree to pay fees as listed in the Ankeny Kirkendall Public Library Meeting Room Policy.
  • I understand that there are a limited number of tables and chairs available. The library will do our best to provide the requested number, but I understand it is my responsibility to double check that the library has enough prior to your event.
  • I understand I am responsible for set-up and tear down of equipment, furniture, etc.
  • I understand I am responsible to become familiar with the AV control panel and other equipment which will be used during my rental. The library staff will not operate the equipment during the event and no technical support is provided.
  • I understand that I may need to contact staff prior to your event to be trained on the AV control panel.
  • I hereby acknowledge that I am responsible for the condition of the room(s) at the end of my event and am responsible for the cost of all damages. It is my responsibility to request a pre-event walkthrough if desired.
  • All events must end at the scheduled departure time. No event will end later than MIDNIGHT Friday and Saturday; 8 PM Sunday with no exceptions.
  • Alcohol Indemnification Clause: I hereby agree to hold harmless, indemnify and defend Ankeny Kirkendall Public Library and/or the City of Ankeny, its employees, agents, and representatives from any claims, costs including attorney fees, actions, arbitrations, lawsuits, and otherwise, arising out of or in connection with use or consumption of alcohol by me or anyone attending my function utilizing the Ankeny Kirkendall Public Library facilities. I acknowledge it is against the law to serve, provide, or make available alcohol to anyone under the age of twenty-one (21). I am solely responsible and liable for any damages that result from someone under the age of twenty-one (21) consuming alcohol to include, but not limited to, property damage, personal injury, death, or disfigurement to themselves, as well as property damage, personal injury, death, disfigurement, or loss of consortium to third parties.
  • Misrepresentation of the above data or failure to abide by the rules established will be cause for denial of further use of the meeting room.
Please type your full name to indicate your agreement and digital signature.